北米投資・対米投資ならフロリダ州へ - 全米第4位の経済規模、中南米市場へのアクセス、低税率でビジネスフレンドリーな環境

Governor Ron DeSantis Announces the Focus on Fiscal Responsibility 2025-2026 Budget

Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced his budget proposal for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025-2026. The proposed “Focus on Fiscal Responsibility” Budget totals $115.6 billion with $14.6 billion in reserves, providing a significant reduction over last year’s spending while still leaving ample resources for unforeseen economic issues. Florida has experienced record success under Governor DeSantis’ leadership, ranking #1 in education, net in-migration, entrepreneurship, and new business formations, with 2.7 million new businesses formed since 2019—all while eliminating spending and saving Florida taxpayers money.
The Focus on Fiscal Responsibility Budget continues to model fiscal conservatism by paying down an additional $1.7 billion in tax-supported debt and providing $2.2 billion in tax relief, while reducing the size of government and continuing to produce meaningful investments for Floridians.
