北米投資・対米投資ならフロリダ州へ - 全米第4位の経済規模、中南米市場へのアクセス、低税率でビジネスフレンドリーな環境

Americans Rate Dallas and Boston Safest of 16 U.S. Cities



Dallas and Boston may have come in ahead, but Miami is not too far behind coming in at 5th in a Gallup survey of what Americans consider the safest big cities. The poll, started in 1990, has seen Americans’ perception of Miami as a safe city growing from only 17% to the current 59%.

In addition to the nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults who think Dallas (74%) and Boston (72%) are safe, majorities ranging from 52% to 63% rate nine other cities as safe. These include Seattle, Las Vegas, Miami, Minneapolis, Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.
