北米投資・対米投資ならフロリダ州へ - 全米第4位の経済規模、中南米市場へのアクセス、低税率でビジネスフレンドリーな環境

Florida Seaports See Record-High Cargo in 2022

フロリダ州にある16の港湾での2022年の貨物取扱量が112.5 million tonsで過去最高を記録。今後5年間も継続拡大の見通しです。

Florida’s 16 seaports experienced a new record high of 112.5 million tons of cargo received during 2022, a six percent increase over 2021, a newly released report from the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Council (FSTED) shows. Further, Florida’s strong performance to answer supply chain demands by encouraging shippers to change shipping lanes and call on the Sunshine State’s uncongested ports, has well-positioned Florida to gain an even larger market share over the next five years.